August 02 / 2019

The Legal 500 changes in 2019

We are in the middle of preparing law firms for ratings. This is an interesting analytical work.

To study court decisions, articles on the case and combine all this into a single positioning. Every year the ratings change the format of the questionnaires.

We like to prepare submissions and have prepared a list of changes for you in The Legal 500 compared to last year:

  • There are separate blocks for open and closed cases: Clients: publishable clients, non-publishable clients -
  • The Matter overview section (with a green background) is now available, which means that the basic descriptions will be non-confidential
  • A section on GDPR has appeared, any confidential information should be marked in red
  • The questionnaire design, fonts, visual emphasis on the client list and Panel Appointments have been changed, which is convenient
  • Switch places between client list, Panel Appointments and team description
  • Previously, the number of recommendations was not limited. Now, too, but the recommended minimum is 20 people
  • A note about the need to fill in the information in all cells has appeared in the Guideline on the list of contacts, however, and ask less, addresses of the companies and phone numbers are not necessary
*Panel Appointments is a list of companies for which you are the preferred supplier as a result of winning a tender.

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